Discover the new Everyday Baccarat, a stunning collection of six perfectly crafted cut crystal glasses each with a different creative pattern. Perfect at any time of day to savor your drink of choice, from the morning juice to the afternoon soft drink to the pre-dinner spritz. The Everyday Baccarat box is the perfect gift for family, friends and for yourself. This box contains 6 tumblers: the Beluga, Etna, Vega, Biba, Stella and the Rosa measuring 8.5 cm.
Discover the new Everyday Baccarat, a stunning collection of six perfectly crafted cut crystal glasses each with a different creative pattern. Perfect at any time of day to savor your drink of choice, from the morning juice to the afternoon soft drink to the pre-dinner spritz. The Everyday Baccarat box is the perfect gift for family, friends and for yourself. This box contains 6 tumblers: the Beluga, Etna, Vega, Biba, Stella and the Rosa measuring 8.5 cm.
If the product is not available delivery times may vary from 7 to 30 days, contact us for further information.
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